How to Showcase Your Marketing Achievements When Looking for a Job


When you’re looking for a job in marketing, standing out among other candidates can be tough. Not only are many qualified people also applying for the position, but your shared background in marketing means every candidate already knows how to position their own strengths to their best advantage. Nevertheless, there’s still a way to gain… Read more »

Networking for a Career in Medical Sales: 5 Tips for Success


Building a strong network is a must for any sales professional. Your network can help you find outstanding job opportunities and keep you informed about your industry, improving your value to your employer and your own skill on the job. Here are five ways to build a network that will help you succeed: Network smarter,… Read more »

Being Promoted? 3 Tips for New Sales Managers


Are you about to move into a new managerial position?  If so, congratulations!  Your hard work and dedication have earned you the title – now, it’s your job to live up to it. If you’ve just been promoted or are about to start work in a new sales manager position, here are three essential tips… Read more »

4 Benefits of Hiring a Candidate With an RMSR Certification


There is rarely a shortage of medical sales jobs candidates. The challenge is finding candidates who are truly qualified. A successful medical sales professional must have sales skills and scientific acumen, a combination that is not easy to come by. If you identify a candidate who is stronger in one aspect than the other, how… Read more »

Indentifying Job-Hoppers


How can you tell if a sales or marketing candidate is using your position as a stepping stone or if he is in it for the long-haul? Here are some tips to make it easier to decide which candidates are worth your investment. Look for employment gaps. Are there unexplained gaps in the candidate’s resume… Read more »