Whether you are searching for a job or currently employed, the ability to manage stress is critical to your success. People who can manage stress are happier, healthier and more effective in their jobs and satisfied with their personal lives.
The primary cause of stress is feeling that you are unable to control your circumstances. Taking control where you can will help to reduce stress levels.
Focus on Diet and Exercise. A balanced diet of fresh foods, whole grains and lean proteins can help maintain a healthy body. Limiting alcohol, sugar and caffeine can further reduce stress – particularly among those who are sensitive to their effects. Try different types of exercise to see what works best for you. For some, the endorphins generated by a hard run will help work off a frustrating day. Others may need the meditative qualities offered by yoga or a long walk.
Have Some Fun. Laughter is a great stress reliever. Spend some time with friends and family. See a funny movie. Play a board game, go to a comedy club or join a kickball league. Find some time to just relax and forget the workweek.
Change your environment. Keep your home reasonably tidy, even if it means hiring a cleaning person. A well-organized space can have a calming effect when you walk in from a stressful day. Getting outside can also help. Garden, hike or visit a lake or beach — reconnecting with nature will refresh and restore you, regardless of what your workday was like.
Control What You Can. No one can manage your career but you. Evaluate where you are now and where you would like to be. Create your own brand by assessing your skills and sketching out a career path. Update your resume or portfolio on a regular basis so that you are prepared for any opportunities that may arise.
Get help. Sometimes frustration can be lessened by relying on an expert. If you are looking for a job, or just thinking about it, working with a recruiting firm can help you make the most of your talents and advance your career.
If you are looking to further your marketing or sales career, contact the recruiting experts at SMR Group Ltd today! We know how to connect you with employers where you can shine. Contact us with your experience, interests and goals, and we will help you find the job that you want.
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