Fill in the blank: “The first ____ days on the job are the most important.”
Did you answer “30”? “60”? “90”? If so, congratulations! All three answers are correct – for different reasons. When you start a new job, the best way to hit the ground running is to begin with a strategy for the first 30, 60, and 90 days on the job.
What is a 30-60-90 Day Strategy?
A 30-60-90 day strategy is a written outline of your plans for the first three months on a new job. Created before the final interview, it can be a powerful tool for demonstrating that you are the best candidate for the job. Created near your first day of work, it gives you a “road map” for the early successes that establish your value with your new employer and improve your chances to tackle bigger challenges ahead.
How to Start Creating Your Plan
Before you start outlining your 30-60-90 day plan, find out all you can about the company, the position, and how your work will support the organization’s overall practices and goals. Keep these in mind while you create your plan.
Here’s what to consider at each stage in your first three months:
- 30 Days: Much of the first month on the job is devoted to training, meeting your team members and building relationships, and learning how the company runs from day to day. It’s a lot to learn, but you’ll lay the groundwork for early success if you also use these opportunities to identify potential mentors, ask questions about company procedures, and take the chance to visit other departments to discover how their work connects with yours.
- 60 Days: With your feet under you, it’s time to start studying the “best practices” in the industry as a whole. Touch base with your boss regularly to see how you’re doing so far, and continue building relationships with colleagues and potential mentors.
- 90 Days: By now, you’ve probably mastered most or all of the “new job learning curve,” and you have a general idea how your industry works. It’s time to start talking to your boss about ways to make your work more efficient and effective and get feedback on new strategies and procedures.
One of the best ways to ensure your 30-60-90 day plan is “on the same page” with your boss’s expectations is to ask during the interview, “What key accomplishments do you expect within the first 90 to 180 days in this role?” Then, tailor the plan so that its steps lead you to those accomplishments within the first three to six months.
At SMR Group Ltd, our experienced sales and marketing recruiters can help you find the right job, so you can focus on building success from the start. Contact us today to learn more about our available marketing career opportunities!
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