Job seekers are often advised that networking is the key to finding a new job, but getting it right can be tricky. Productive networking means being prepared, polite and persistent. Avoid these networking pitfalls and you’ll be well on your way to building a networking community that will serve you well in both the long and short term.
Don’t Network Entirely Online. Building relationships takes more than just social networking. While creating a strong online presence and building your online network is important, it’s critical to get out and meet fellow professionals in your local community as well. Look for events to attend such as industry conferences or chamber of commerce meet and greets where you can get to know a variety of people and see if you can do business together or learn from each other.
Neglecting Your Research. When attending a networking event, it’s critical to prepare. Take the time to learn everything you can about the attendees. Look for a member or guest list and target the people you would like to talk to. Look them up on LinkedIn or other social media and contact colleagues who may be able to offer insight.
Jumping the Gun. Don’t ask for an interview, a referral, an introduction or anything else until you’ve established a relationship. Your initial interaction should be to introduce yourself, open a conversation about common interests, and if it seems promising, set up a follow-up. Also look for any opportunities that arise for you to be of service to them.
Not Expanding Your Network. Much like other aspects of job searching, it’s important to keep as many options open as possible. Don’t fixate on one or two people that you must contact. Reach out to many people, not only those who can help you get a job right away. Also contact people you may be able to help or someone who could teach you something you’ve wanted to learn about.
Not Following Up. This is one of the worst mistakes you can make. You’ve already put all the work into networking – researching companies, identifying the right people, initiating contact – don’t let all that time and effort go to waste. Follow up right away with an email telling them that you enjoyed your meeting and establishing a next step.
At SMR Group Ltd, our experienced recruiters are part of your network. Contact us to learn more about leveraging your network – and ours. We can help you to find a sales or marketing position in the pharmaceutical, medical, and biotech industries.
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