There’s an old saying that a fish rots from the head down. An incompetent manager will eventually destroy the effectiveness of those working beneath them. A good manager will do the opposite: their leadership will inspire the best in their employees. And in the fast paced fields of marketing and sales, inspired and motivated employees will help you yield even better results for your company.
So how does the leadership of a “good manager” inspire? The very best will try to accomplish all of the following in order to get the best out of their team:
- Emphasize Trust – When your employees can trust you – trust that you’ll be fair, that you’ll keep your promises and that you trust them to do their jobs well – they’re going to work harder. Your belief in them fuels their own self-esteem, and they’ll want to live up to your expectations and earn your respect.
- Articulate Vision – Communication is key; people want to know the reasons behind the tasks they’re asked to perform. You should be able to quickly and clearly express what needs to be done, and you need to be able to convince your employees to “buy in” to your big-picture perspectives.
- Recognize Excellence – Nobody wants to do a thankless job where they feel like their hard work never gets noticed or rewarded. Having the resources available to give out bonuses or raises is nice, but simply praising an employee in front of their peers can also be a great motivator.
- Manage The Person – Your employees aren’t robots, and they aren’t defined by their jobs. They’re real people, with lives outside of work. Your employees will respect a boss who gets to know them, treats them with respect and protects their work/life balance.
- Lead By Example – You can’t ask someone to stay late to finish an important project if you’re taking a long lunch and head out the door as soon as the clock hits five. A good leader never asks for effort they are unwilling or unable to give themselves.
- Foster Cooperation – The whole point of working as a team is to create an environment more effective than the same number of people working alone. Your staff will have ideas and observations of their own. Invite discussion and find areas where the group can take action.
With over 20 years of experience, SMR Group Ltd has the industry insight, connections, and depth of talent to help you recruit and retain top sales and marketing candidates. Contact us today to learn more about our recruiting solutions for the biotech, pharmaceutical and medical industries.
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