As a marketing professional, it should come as no surprise that you’re going to be hit with some tough questions in your interviews. After all, if you can’t market yourself effectively, how can you represent your potential employer’s products or services with creative and compelling campaigns?
Prepare for your interview as you would on the job and win over your target market – the interviewer sitting across the desk.
What Project Are You Most Proud Of?
Choose a campaign that the interviewer can easily relate to and that demonstrates the transferability of your experience. If your background is in pharmaceutical, biotech or medical devices, a technical product marketing example may suffice. Describe how you developed the campaign, what made it successful and what it has in common with what you expect to be doing at your prospective company.
Describe Your Worst Marketing Failure.
This question is posed for several reasons. Are you analytic and introspective enough to understand where you went wrong and how to fix it? Savvy enough to recognize the outside influences that may be in play? Do you take responsibility for your mistakes or are you eager to throw others under the bus? Answer by identifying both the problem you encountered and what you would do differently next time.
How Would You Explain A Complex Product To A Layman?
In the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical industries, you may be called upon to create a campaign that will create demand from end-user customers. Increasingly, potential patients are prompted to ask their doctor about treatments or products. Answer this question by describing how you could break difficult concepts into those that end-users can understand, such as symptoms and relief.
How Do You Integrate Data Analysis Into Your Work?
Data has become critical in defining target markets and evaluating marketing success. While marketing was once an English major field, the most in-demand candidates must now bring analytic and math skills to the table in order to win the best opportunities. Offer examples that demonstrate that you understand the impact of big data on market analysis and segmentation.
At SMR Group Ltd, our experienced recruiters can find great new opportunities and help you prepare to win them! Learn more about our marketing career opportunities in the pharmaceuticals, medical, and biotech industries.
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