
When do people make a change? When they get uncomfortable. When people decide to break a bad habit, they generally do so as a product of discomfort. They may go on a diet when their clothes are too snug or quit smoking when they tire of standing outside in the cold. They make a change in their business when what they are doing stops working.

How can you as a sales professional in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical industries motivate potential clients to take action? Here are a few ideas that can shake up your presentation:

Speak to their pain points. Bring up the greatest difficulties your audience typically encounters. It will make them uncomfortable, but once you demonstrate how you can resolve them, you’ll be the hero.

Appeal to their FOMO. Fear of missing out drives a great deal of decision making. Include in your presentation proof that your services are the best and the most popular among others in the industry. Consider sharing excerpts from testimonials or social media. Prospects will be eager to adopt the services that have proven successful for their peers.

Make it interactive. Engage your audience. Don’t allow them to sit passively. Ask questions, solicit feedback. The more the audience is involved in your presentation, the more they will retain about your services. Getting prospects to buy-in will increase their interest in working with you.

Use props. Presentations that incorporate props really grab people’s attention. How many people remember Steven Covey’s “Big Rocks” productivity presentation, even though it’s probably been many years since they saw it? Brainstorm props that will be relevant to your presentation and incorporate them.

Keep them on their toes. Don’t be predictable in your presentation. Mix things up so your audience has no chance to get bored. Attention spans are not what they once were. You have to work harder to get people to listen. Mix things up. Walk around. Vary your tone.

If you are in a position to make a presentation, you are fortunate. Don’t squander the opportunity with a humdrum presentation. Make people a little uncomfortable, keep them engaged and wrap up by telling them how you can solve their problems while they are fresh in their minds.

To learn more tips and strategies that will help you advance your sales and marketing career in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical industries, contact the recruiters at SMR Group Ltd. Our recruiters can help you effectively manage your career or find your next opportunity. Contact us today to learn more.

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