Sales managers have a tough job. They need to keep the team motivated, meet their immediate goals, and integrate the team’s day-to-day work into the company’s “big picture” – all while encouraging their team to understand and share that vision.
If you’re looking for ways to improve your sales team management skills, here are five methods for knocking it out of the park:
Work alongside your team.
Managers who sit in their offices and “strategize” have a demoralizing effect on staff, who may feel they’re doing all the heavy lifting. Instead, spend time with your team. Coach, get in the trenches and pitch in when their workload gets overwhelming. You’ll teach them how to build a strong work ethic as well as loyalty and trust.
Explain your “why.”
When you issue an instruction or rule change, let your team know why you made the decision. Even a sentence or two will do: “From now on, I need all your reports filed by noon Friday. This way, we can have everything squared away by the end of the day, and hit the ground running every Monday.”
Make communication your ongoing project.
No manager ever has perfect communication skills, but managers who treat communication as an opportunity for constant improvement frequently have better relationships with their staff. Practice active listening, give your team a clear and easy way to ask questions and have honest conversations about their (and your) successes and struggles.
Reach outside your own department.
The best managers can explain their reasoning to people without a sales or marketing background. They can advocate for their own team with people in other departments and with executive staff. Sharpen your communication skills and build relationships outside your department to be the advocate your team needs.
Think “we,” not “me.”
Good sales reps are often driven by individual goals. Good managers of sales reps, however, know success is a team endeavor. Focus on the team’s mission and values, encouraging people to work toward a single common goal and finding the help you need when you need it – including a connection with a staffing partner.
At SMR Group Ltd, our recruiters help our clients in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device industries connect with the best sales and marketing talent available. Contact us today to learn more.
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