Working with a recruiter is a powerful way to set yourself apart from other sales and marketing professionals vying for jobs. To let your recruiter know that you’re serious about the job hunt, however, it’s important to be prepared when you speak to them – and to ask the right questions.
Here are five questions recruiters want to hear from top candidates:
What are the top three qualifications your clients are looking for?
Recruiters work directly with companies in their target industries to match candidates with the right jobs and teams.
When you ask for the top three qualifications needed, you communicate not only that you understand the importance of fit, but also that you’re not willing to waste your time or the recruiter’s. Those top three qualifications will tell you both whether you should keep pursuing the job.
How long has the job been open?
The length of time a job has been available gives you insight into the hiring process. Being the first candidate interviewed can sound promising, but remember: the employer may want to find candidates to compare you to, as well. Gauge your potential wait time against your needs and the features of the job.
Why is the job open?
The reason for a job opening can give you insight into the company, as well. For instance, if the previous person was promoted out of this position, ask follow-up questions about the company’ internal promotion and hiring patterns. If turnover in the job is high, find out why.
What does the compensation package look like?
Most candidates will jump directly to questions about salary. But the number on your paycheck is only part of your compensation for the work.
By asking your recruiter about the total compensation, you’ll get the complete picture on what you’ll receive in exchange for your skills and expertise. You’ll also be able to compare the job more easily to other postings and offers.
What can you tell me about the company?
Because recruiters work closely with certain companies, they also have insight about the organization that you won’t find from any other source. Take advantage of this valuable information by asking your recruiter to share anything that can help you succeed.
At SMR Group, our recruiters connect sales and marketing professionals to some of the best jobs and employers in the medical device, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries nationwide. To learn more, contact us today.
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