Why Every Job Candidate Needs a LinkedIn Profile | SMR Group


LinkedIn has established itself as the only major social network focused on the professional world. Today, nearly every working professional has a LinkedIn profile, where they display their work and connect with others in their field.

Even if you’re still working on landing your first job in medical sales or marketing, you need a LinkedIn profile as well. Here’s why.

Why Is a LinkedIn Profile Important to Have?

Hiring managers are curious about you – and LinkedIn is where they turn for answers.

When an applicant piques a hiring manager’s attention, one of the first places that manager turns is to LinkedIn.

Hiring managers know that your submitted resume and cover letter are tailored to the role you’ve applied for. While they appreciate this focused “first look,” they also want to see how far your experience, skills, and talents lie. LinkedIn allows you to provide this deeper view of your professional abilities.

Your LinkedIn profile can help bury other search results you’d rather not emphasize.

As one of the most well-known social media sites, LinkedIn often appears at or near the top of search results for a particular person’s name or job title. By doing so, your LinkedIn profile draws the attention of hiring managers.

Like every professional, a hiring manager has limited time. By encouraging them to visit your profile on LinkedIn, you reduce the chances that they’ll dig into less professional results – like that MySpace page you forgot you made in 2012.

LinkedIn helps you build your career even before you land a job.

Want to learn about the major conversations taking place in your chosen field? Want to communicate with other professionals and share ideas?

Once upon a time, you needed to land the job before you could build these connections. Not anymore. On LinkedIn, you can join conversations, send messages, publish and share content, and immerse yourself in your chosen professional world – even before you accept your first job offer.

Looking For a New Job?

Looking for a new job or career? Talk to the team at SMR Group Ltd. We specialize in connecting emerging and established sales and marketing professionals with some of the best job opportunities and employers in the medical device, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries. To learn more, contact us today.

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