For Your Success

The SMR Group Blog


Once you’ve interviewed your top sales candidates and compared notes with the rest of the hiring team, chances are good that you’ve found the candidate you’re looking for. Chances are also good that you’ve found one or two “runners-up” as well: Candidates who are good, but who didn’t land the top spot on your list…. Read more »


Finding the right sales and marketing professionals in the highly specialized medical device, pharmaceutical, and biotech industries is a challenge. Make the most of the brief interview time available by asking these questions to cut to the heart of a candidate’s approach: What gets you out of bed in the morning? Knowing what motivates a… Read more »


Many sales and marketing managers are familiar with the 80/20 principle – the idea that 20 percent of your staff are “superstars” responsible for 80 percent of your sales, while the remaining 80 percent of your staff are turning in the last 20 percent of your sales. While these numbers might not exactly match your… Read more »


Some interview questions, like “Tell us about yourself” and “Why should we hire you?” are universal. Others, like “How will you impact the company’s culture and success?” are less common, but no less important. When an interviewer asks this question, she wants to know not only what you plan to do to make a difference,… Read more »


Marketing is a creative profession, but it also calls for a solid dose of critical thinking. When medical marketing professionals are able to balance creative and critical thought, they become poised to spot and seize opportunities in the field and in their own careers before competitors do – benefiting not only their own growth, but… Read more »


If you wait to plan your next hiring cycle for the moment a current staff member resigns, you’re missing an opportunity. Most businesses need to hire a replacement when a key staff member leaves. Such “in-the-moment” hiring plans are inevitable. However, you can minimize their impact on your business by making proactive, multirange hiring plans… Read more »


Party-happy college students like to brag that “Cs and Ds get degrees.” But you’re not a student anymore. You’re a professional, and you want your work to show it. If you’re looking for a sales or marketing job in the medical device, pharmaceutical, or biotech industries, it’s not enough to be “average.” You want to… Read more »


A growing medical sales business indicates that it’s time to add people to the sales team. Adding sales team members can solidify current gains and encourage future ones if the right people are added in a sustainable fashion. By creating a well-defined hiring process, you can ensure that your new and current sales team has… Read more »


Whether you’ve just earned a marketing degree or you’re thinking about a career change, choosing a growing industry that offers continuous challenges can put you on the path to career success. Among the top industries booming in the U.S. today are biotech, pharmaceuticals, and the medical device industry. If you’re looking for a marketing career,… Read more »


Your sales staff work hard to achieve each quarter’s sales goals. Events like holidays, vacations, or beautiful summer weather beckoning outside the window can all cause distractions and slumps in motivation – but they don’t have to. Here are five ways to show your sales staff you appreciate their hard work and that you notice… Read more »