4 Time-Management Strategies for Managers That Actually Work


Time management is many managers’ number-one concern. There are always more tasks on the to-do list than hours in the workday to do them. Yet all the gadgets and gimmicks in the world won’t help unless you understand why and how they’re meant to work. Here are four time-management strategies to help you take control… Read more »

5 Thought-Provoking Questions to Ask When Interviewing Biotech Sales Professionals


Many biotech sales candidates are outstanding salespeople with a passion for the engaging, fast-moving biotech field. General questions like “Tell us about yourself” or “When have you failed?” don’t always dig into the strengths and passions that drew these professionals to the field in the first place. Here are five questions to add to a… Read more »

These Are the Most Sought-After Sales Skills of 2018


Some sales skills never go out of style. Others increase or decrease in demand as companies respond to changing trends in sales and marketing. While information gathering, listening and critical thinking will always be in high demand, here are some of the emerging sales skills employers are looking for in 2018: Relationship Building In an… Read more »