Dos and Don’ts for Sales Professionals Selling Their Skills in an Interview


Dos and Don'ts for Sales Professionals Selling Their Skills in an Interview | SMR Group

The hiring process is a sales process. Your resume works as an early sales or briefing document, while your interview is a chance to make your presentation and build important relationships. Sales professionals know their skills are being scrutinized in an interview. Here are dos and don’ts for putting your sales skills to work during… Read more »

Recommended Sales Experience When Applying for Jobs


Nearly every job posting for sales professionals comes with a laundry list of “experience” that hiring managers look for in sales candidates. Often, sought-after experience is presented as a list of bullet points, which can make it difficult for sales candidates to determine which of their own experiences to highlight as the most helpful for… Read more »

Four Interview Phrases that Make an Impact


Interview success: it’s not just how you say it – it’s also what you say. When you meet a potential employer, how you present yourself matters. But what you say also matters. Just as the bio-pharmaceutical industry has its own vocabulary, so does the world of hiring. When you use particular words and phrases during… Read more »