These Are the Most Sought-After Sales Skills of 2018


Some sales skills never go out of style. Others increase or decrease in demand as companies respond to changing trends in sales and marketing. While information gathering, listening and critical thinking will always be in high demand, here are some of the emerging sales skills employers are looking for in 2018: Relationship Building In an… Read more »

Who Should Be in Charge of Hiring for Your Biotech Company?


When you’re looking for sales or marketing talent, the person you choose to find a new team member is as crucial to the process as the candidate you eventually hire. And as in many business decisions, your choice of people to put on your team is ultimately up to you. Here’s a list of people… Read more »

Four Interview Phrases that Make an Impact


Interview success: it’s not just how you say it – it’s also what you say. When you meet a potential employer, how you present yourself matters. But what you say also matters. Just as the bio-pharmaceutical industry has its own vocabulary, so does the world of hiring. When you use particular words and phrases during… Read more »

Do Candidates Want to Work for You? Company Traits that Attract Top Talent


What value does your organization offer to top candidates? While every company wants to attract the best talent, few are willing to put in the work it takes to become a company for whom their industry’s established talent and “rising stars” want to work. To become the kind of company that attracts and keeps top… Read more »