8 Essential Traits to Look for When Hiring Biotech Sales Professionals


Biotech is a booming business, which means companies competing in the biotech sphere need outstanding sales professionals to help them reach their goal. Here are eight essential traits to look for in your biotech sales candidates: Sales candidates who take pride in their work, stay organized and model efficiency often succeed in the field where… Read more »

5 Ways to Be a Killer Manager on a Sales Team


Sales managers have a tough job. They need to keep the team motivated, meet their immediate goals, and integrate the team’s day-to-day work into the company’s “big picture” – all while encouraging their team to understand and share that vision. If you’re looking for ways to improve your sales team management skills, here are five… Read more »

6 Proven Ways to Reduce Your Staffing and Recruiting Costs


Staffing and recruiting can represent the largest chunk of your department’s budget – if you let them.  But runaway costs don’t always grant access to the best talent. Here are six proven ways to control your staffing costs while ensuring that you get the quality talent you need. Stay on top of your department’s needs…. Read more »