How Can a Sales Certification Help My Pharmaceutical Sales Career?


Pharmaceutical sales professionals play a key role in healthcare. They bridge the communications gap between pharmaceutical companies and physicians or pharmacists, helping the latter understand the benefits and effects of various medications.  Advancing in a pharmaceutical sales career takes time and effort. A pharmaceutical sales certification can help demonstrate that you’ve put in the time… Read more »

Best Ways to Network in Your Medical Sales Career


Sales professionals thrive on strong relationships, which means that a robust network is a must. When you have a well-developed list of connections, you have the assistance you need to meet nearly any challenge, from connecting with a new potential customer to finding the right position or promotion for you.  Here’s how to network effectively… Read more »

Medical Marketing Job Interview: 6 Ways to Make an Impact


Congratulations! You’ve been invited to interview for a position in medical marketing. Here is your chance to have a conversation with your interviewer that will showcase your abilities and allow you to learn whether this position is ideal for you. To make an impact in your interview, keep these six tips in mind: Practice confidence…. Read more »

5 Traits to Look for When Hiring Biotech Sales Professionals


When you’re hiring biotech sales professionals, it’s important to look for those who have not only the on-paper qualifications, but also the traits that help sales staff thrive in a competitive environment. Here are five traits of outstanding salespeople that can help your next biotech sales candidate achieve new heights. Curiosity and Drive The best… Read more »

6 Proven Ways to Reduce Your Staffing and Recruiting Costs


Staffing and recruiting can represent the largest chunk of your department’s budget – if you let them.  But runaway costs don’t always grant access to the best talent. Here are six proven ways to control your staffing costs while ensuring that you get the quality talent you need. Stay on top of your department’s needs…. Read more »

Are Your Star Employees Being Poached by Your Competition? 5 Things You Can Do.


You’ve lost another top employee.  That makes two (or three or four) in the past month – and they all seem to be headed for one of your biggest competitors.  Instinct tells you it’s more than a coincidence. Employee “poaching” – deliberately shopping a competitor’s employee pool and luring the best performers to your own… Read more »