How the Pandemic Changed the Definition of “Success” for Pharma Sales Launches


How the Pandemic Changed the Definition of "Success" for Pharma Sales Launches | SMR Group

The COVID-19 pandemic forced pharmaceutical sales teams to dig deep for innovation and adaptation. It forced pharma companies and related industries to rethink their approach to work – and to redefine what it means to succeed. Here’s how those changes have redefined success for pharmaceutical sales reps. Existing Changes Accelerated Quickly Several changes were already… Read more »

How COVID-19 Changed Pharmaceutical Sales


How COVID-19 Changed Pharmaceutical Sales | SMR Group

The COVID-19 pandemic has had lasting effects on the way we live, work, shop, and spend time with others. It has also reshaped pharmaceutical sales in key ways. Pharma sales teams that understand the pandemic’s effect on their work gain insight into the “new normal” – and the resilience to address any new challenges on… Read more »

What Do I Do When My Sales Reps Aren’t Hitting Their Goals?


This can be a difficult question for sales executives to answer. But like any potentially complex problem, try to start at the beginning and try to break it up into bite-sized chunks.  As a sales leader, you want to make sure you’ve uncovered the root cause of the dip in sales before you take action.    … Read more »

What’s the Best Way to Communicate with Your Sales Team?


What’s the Best Way to Communicate with Your Sales Team_ SMRgroup

That’s a great question.   I think we would all agree that great sales executives are always great communicators.  So how do top sales leaders communicate with their teams? According to CRM giant Hubspot, There are many different techniques that great sales executives use to communicate effectively with their team. In this post, you’ll learn about… Read more »

Hiring Teams Demand Quality Assurance From Staffing Agencies on New Sales Hires


That might sound a bit daunting to most recruiting consulting firms. But not to us. At SMR Group, quality of hire is in our DNA.   But why is quality of hire so important with sales professionals? Top-tier account executives typically outperform the rest of the sales team by up to 200%. These top producers are… Read more »

4 Tips for Recruiting Top Medical Sales Reps


Is there a special process for recruiting medical sales reps?  Yes and no. Hiring specialists, especially salespeople, can be a challenging task. But if you know where to look, and follow a few straightforward guidelines, you can significantly streamline the recruiting and hiring process.    In this post you’ll learn four easy tips to help you… Read more »

What Character Traits Should Hiring Managers and Employment Agencies Look for in Great Sales Candidates?


That’s a great question.  Hiring managers tend to agree that sales positions are hard to fill  According to sales training giant Rain Group, “It takes an average of three months for a new seller to be ready to interact with buyers, nine months for them to be competent to perform, and 15 months for them… Read more »

Hiring Managers Ask: “What Exactly Is Talent Management And How Should I Approach It?”


We’re all familiar with the term “talent scout.” It’s a term we normally associate with professional sports scouts.  But as hiring managers aren’t we always on the lookout for talented professionals, in every employee we hire or attempt to recruit?  Isn’t this especially true for top-notch sales talent?  I think we would also agree that… Read more »

Are Your Hiring Time Horizons Too Long? If So How Can You Optimize Them?


This is a loaded, and somewhat vague, question. I’m sure we’ve all tried to answer it at some point and probably come away empty. There are valid answers, however, and you came to the right place to get them. I think it’s fair to say that staffing professionals, in general, would concur that the sooner… Read more »

Soft Skills to Look for in a Sales Candidate


Soft skills, also known as transferable skills, are skills that apply to nearly every professional position. Salespeople rely on a particular set of soft skills to meet their goals and build essential relationships. Want to know if someone will perform well in their position? Look for these soft skills in your interview. Communication Good communication… Read more »