Staffing and recruiting can represent the largest chunk of your department’s budget – if you let them. But runaway costs don’t always grant access to the best talent. Here are six proven ways to control your staffing costs while ensuring that you get the quality talent you need.
Stay on top of your department’s needs.
The sooner you know what your department needs, the more easily you can prepare a staffing or recruiting “push” that targets the type of talent and skills you’re looking for. By keeping job descriptions up to date and staying in regular touch with departments, you’ll also ensure that you’re ready to launch a candidate search whenever the need arises.
Maintain a strong employment brand.
Who are you? What is it like to work with your organization? How do you achieve your proudest results? When you build a clear, strong employment brand and stay “on message,” you attract the attention of candidates who offer a good “fit” with your department – making it easier to connect with these candidates when you have job openings.
Plan ahead.
A strong strategic staffing plan helps you anticipate hiring needs, take the steps to meet them and ensure you stay on schedule so you never miss a connection with top talent in the industry.
Find ways to use temporary and contract help to your advantage.
Specialized project? Seasonal rush? There are many ways to ensure you get the help you need when you need it, without increasing the number of people on your core team. Identify places that temporary and contract staff can help your team achieve.
Streamline your hiring process.
Too many companies lose the best candidates in any hiring cycle due to their own “lag time” in the hiring process. Keep the best candidates interested and engaged until you can extend the job offer by streamlining your hiring process and committing to a prompt, organized decision at each step.
Work with a recruiter.
Staffing firms specialize in helping their clients control staffing and recruiting costs in myriad ways. Talk to a recruiter today for guidance in finding better talent while spending less.
At SMR Group Ltd, our recruiters specialize in connecting clients in the pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device industries with the best sales and marketing talent available. Contact us today to learn more.
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