As every sales professional knows, the word “sales” only begins to describe the field. While all sales roles may be linked in their focus on serving customers, the roles themselves provide a vast array of working arrangements and opportunities.
For salespeople, the top career question is “Where do you want to go from here?” And the paths are many.
If you know you want to stay in sales but you aren’t yet sure which career path offers the best fit, here’s how to start thinking about your future.
How Can You Identify Your Career Path in Sales?
Pinpoint Your Strengths and Passions
Start by making two sets of lists. The first set includes your strengths in one column and your weaknesses in the other. The second set includes your passions in one column and things you wish to avoid in the other.
Include everything – not just items related to your job. When you’ve run out of ideas, compare the two sets of lists. Areas of overlap between strengths and passions are particularly good places to focus. Likewise, areas of overlap between weaknesses and aversions are particularly good things to avoid.
Distill your list into a single list of your top strengths and passions. These are the qualities you’re looking for in your next sales role.
Look for People and Roles that Share Your Strengths, Passions, and Skills
Now that you have a better idea of where your strengths lie, it’s time to find out where you can put those strengths to use.
Research various types of roles in sales. When a role appears to use strengths and passions like yours, find someone who currently holds that job – whether online, at a professional conference, or within your own company. Find out how they got their current position, where they started, and what they believe the most important skills are for success in their role.
This information can help you plan your career path. You’ll expand your professional network at the same time.
Find an Adventure Partner
Every adventure is better with a partner. An experienced recruiter can help you uncover roles and opportunities that offer a great fit with your strengths and passions.
Looking for the next step on your sales career path? You don’t have to wander without a guide. Talk to the experienced recruiters at SMR Group Ltd. We can help you map your career options and connect with some of the best opportunities and employers in the pharmaceutical, medical device, and biotech industries. To learn more, contact us today.
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