
Every sales professional has a sales script—or several. Your script can come in handy when you aren’t sure how to start a conversation or when you’re tripped up by a sudden distraction just as you’ve started to speak.

To really connect with customers, however, it’s essential to move from the script into a conversation. Here’s how.

Start your script with an open-ended question.

While “How are you today?” is perhaps the most well-known open-ended question in the English language, you probably won’t get much further than an equally scripted “Fine, how are you?” Instead, consider asking how the business is doing, or a similar question that calls for more than a yes or no answer and encourages the other person to talk about what’s on their mind.

Listen for the customer’s needs.

The value of open-ended questions is they encourage people to talk. When they talk, you listen. Pay attention for comments—even in passing—that indicate the customer’s needs or challenges.

This kind of active listening benefits you in two ways. First, you’re more likely to discover what the customer needs or wants, which you can then focus on in the conversation. Second, even if you don’t, your willingness to listen with interest builds goodwill that can easily turn into a lasting sales relationship.

Focus on communicating what’s in it for this customer.

Your script likely contains a summary of the benefits of the product or service you’re selling. While this summary can help you keep specifications in mind, rattling it off to a customer is more likely to make them tune you out than keep their attention.

Instead, use what you’re learning in the conversation to focus on the features or elements that would best help the customer solve their current problem or address a current challenge. Focus on those to help the customer see why the sale is worth their time and attention right now.

Make yourself available for further questions or conversation.

Scripts end, and everyone goes back to their own lives. Conversations, however, build relationships that extend beyond a single meeting. Emphasize you’re interested in conversation by making yourself available for questions or follow-up—and respond promptly if the customer does contact you.

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